DDIA reading notes - chapter 6 Partitioning

Chapter 6 of this book discusses the concept of data partitioning. The chapter explains how data partitioning can be used to improve the scalability and performance of distributed systems. The author describes various partitioning techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. The chapter also covers the challenges that arise when partitioning data, such as data skew and hotspots, and explains how to mitigate these issues. Overall, Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive overview of the partitioning strategies that can be used in modern distributed systems.

Please refer to pdf to dive into the detailed notes.

本文标题:DDIA reading notes - chapter 6 Partitioning

文章作者:Pylon, Syncher

发布时间:2023年03月22日 - 22:03

最后更新:2023年03月22日 - 22:03


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